Monday, August 25, 2008

My baby is all grown up

Belle started Kindergarten today. She was so excited that last night felt like Christmas Eve. I wonder if she got any sleep. Today she woke up on her own at 6 am, got in the bath, and was ready and waiting to go to school a full hour and 15 minutes early. What a wait! Then at the bus stop she wouldn't even stop to say goodbye. As soon as it pulled up to the curb she was second in line and made a bee line inside that I barely had time to take a picture. Wow, I've never seen anyone so excited to start school. I hope it lasts until she graduates!! Her pictures tell the story better than words. Look at that face!
Belle all ready at 7:15am!

Clothes set out the night before...even clean underwear

Check out the new clothes! Mom had fun

Bee line to the bus. Wait...don't you want to say goodb...okay, see ya

Waiting in line out in front of the Kindergarten doors with best friend Paige. Yes, I followed the bus to the school to make sure she got off okay and made it to the Kindergarten playground.


Cammie said...

That picture is worth 1000 words for sure, I love her excitment and her outfits!

Meghan said...

Ah! What a sweetie pie. I want a little girl to shop for! Good thing I have so many nieces...

Bethany Gilson said...

How fun! She is such a smart little cutie! Who doesn't love the first day of school!

Jozette Cerise said...

Kan the kids get any stinkin cuter...they are defiantly yours....LOL
Love you all, Jozette