Thursday, July 23, 2009

Oh, Tre. Can you just sit still for a moment?

Yesterday Tre had a rough day. Let's start out the story in the morning. Tre gets up, eats breakfast, showers, then waits patiently for me to finish training Mandy so he can go play with friends. Once I tell him it is okay, he rushes straight for his best friends, Noah and CJ. But, they can't play yet because they just got up and still need to get dressed and eat.

Tre is once again waiting patiently for his friends to get ready and decides to ride around on his scooter. While riding past they neighbor's house (in the street...that is a whole different issue) the neighbor dog runs and chases Tre. That little fur ball jumps and bites him on the leg! It is a small puncture wound and way less serious than any other injury he gets on a daily basis, but it is a dog bite from a dog we don't know.

I was not happy to say the least. I tried to get Tre to tell me the truth about what happened. Did you kick the dog? No. Did you pull his tail? No. Did you hurt it in anyway? No. I didn't touch it mom. It always chases us when we ride our scooters/bikes/skateboards/RipSticks. So off to the neighbors house we go. I just wanted to let them know their dog bit a child and ask them about the dogs shots. If it was up to date. Ring the doorbell. Nothing. Knock on the door. Nothing. But I can hear them talking inside and hear the dog barking at the door while the owner tells it to be quiet. What? Why won't you answer your door? Now I'm worried. Maybe the dog is not vaccinated.

Okay. Fine. But where does that leave us? My best friend Google will tell me. Find out that all dog bites MUST be reported whether you file a citation or not. I call Animal Control, which is really just Lehi Police. They were very helpful and friendly and took me serious even though I told them how small the injury was and how small the dog was. An officer came over about 45 minutes later, had us fill out a report, took a picture of the injury, and talked to the owners (they answered the door for him).

Tre is still waiting around patiently to go play with friends. The police officer suggested we call Tre's doctor to see if any further medical action needs to be taken. Sure enough, it does. Tre has to get a Tetanus shot. So it's off to the pediatrician for an exam and a shot and a prescription for antibiotics. We all wait patiently at the doctors office, then again while getting the prescription filled at Target.

Now we're home. I have to go to work in 40 min. and have done nothing around the house that I wanted. I send Tre out to play while I put away some laundry before I have to leave. Not 20 minutes later, Tre comes in the house with that look in his eyes. "What?", I say. "I just got stung by a bee", says Tre.

Argh! Can you catch a break today Tre? No, not really. Knock on wood. I don't really want you to break anything today. It would be just your luck. Sorry buddy, what an adventure!


Cammie said...

Hopefully he's remained injury and accident free since this fateful day. I had to laugh!!